What are Your Beliefs as a Parent?

This summer my youngest learned to swim and he did it largely by shifting what he believed. We were in a holiday park with a pool that had a lazy river i.e. a current that pushed you along. Pushed along by the current, his weak doggy paddle suddenly got much easier. He said to me “Look I can swim” and then when we got out of the lazy river into the main pool which had no current suddenly he was swimming much more strongly than he had ever done before. And so this is true of us as adults. We live what we believe. 

What beliefs are in the background of your life which might be driving your behaviour and emotions?

I’m failing

We are “behind”

Everyone else has is sorted

My child’s not listening (see upcoming workshop on this one)

The house is out of control

I’m not a good enough mum/ dad

My kids are spoilt/ entitled/ controlling/ disobedient

What we believe affects how we act. It’s so easy to get stuck in a belief that doesn’t serve you. 

What positive things do you believe about yourself/ your kids? How do you feel when you list them out?

How does it feel to say the words “I am a competent and capable parent” does it feel authentic? Is there resistance? What words would feel more authentic?

What do you believe about children? Where do these beliefs come from? Are they serving you? Take this quiz to get some clarity

0- Completely disagree

5- Somewhat agree

10- Strongly agree

  1. Children should obey ____/ ____

  2. Children should be free ____/ ____

  3. Children deserve respect and to be heard ____/ ____

  4. Children need to learn independence early ____/ ____

  5. Children need to know they can depend on their parents ____/ ____

  6. Children should control their emotions____/ ____

  7. Children are inherently emotional beings____/ ____

  8. Children deserve a say in the way they live ____/ ____

  9. Children should do as they are told ____/ ____

  10. What children want is not important ____/ ____

  11. Children need to respect parents ____/ ____

  12. Children are inherently silly and need to learn logic from their parents ____/ ____

  13. Children have inherent wisdom if given the guidance they need ____/ ____

  14. Children’s primary aim is to grow into respectful, useful adults ____/ ____

  15. Children’s primary aim is to be children ____/ ____

  16. Children should be able to express themselves freely ____/ ____

  17. Children’s needs/ wants are less important than adults needs and wants ____/ ____

  18. A good child is a quiet child ____/ ____

  19. Children need to spend most of their time learning/ developing skills ____/ ____

  20. Children need to spend most of their time playing. Through play they will learn and develop skills ____/ ____

  21. Children need to have lots of friends in order to be happy ____/ ____

  22. Friends are less important than family ____/ ____

Are your Beliefs Holding you back?

So many of the issues we have in parenting are based on the unconscious belief that children understand logic in the same way we do. We feel affronted and threatened by our child's behaviour as if it were an adult treating us the same way.

But a child is not a mini adult

Children have undeveloped executive functioning- the ability to carry out tasks independently from start to finish.

Children's brain waves are different to adults. Young children spend much of their time in theta brainwaves the state that adults access only when in deep trance/ meditation.

Growing up is wacky and wild their teeth are literally falling out, their bones are growing... everything is new...they are often navigating complex social interactions all day...there is a lot going on.

We can thrive in having high expectations for our kids but only if these are matched with what's developmentally realistic for our kids' brain development.

Find out more about Parent Coaching with Emily


How Attuned and Attached is your Family?


What is Somatic Therapy?